How would I update my RVSiteBuilder in DirectAdmin?The process for updating your RVSiteBuilder is quite easy, but does require a small amount of SSH knowledge, such as how to get connected to your virtual/dedicated DirectAdmin server. Please follow the step-by-step directions outlined below for your ...
What are the requirements for WHMSonic?In order for WHMSonic to function properly, you must ensure that your VPS (Virtual Private Server) or dedicated server meets the minimum requirements. Please see the minimum requirements outlined below:cPanel/WHM VPS or Dedicated ServerPorts TCP/UDP ...
What are the RVSkin requirements?The core requirements for getting RVSkin installed on your server is quite straightforward, please see them outlined below.cPanel/WHM VPS or Dedicated serverFULL root access over your serverAside from the aforementioned requirements, you can install ...
Where can I locate additional Plesk SiteBuilder documentationBeing a highly utilized, the Plesk SiteBuilder application comes with vast amounts of documentation. Documentation ranging from how to install Plesk SiteBuilder, to how-to configure Plesk SiteBuilder. Please find a link below for more information. Re...
Why am I unable to upload big file sizes within Plesk SiteBuilder?You are unable to upload larger files within your Plesk SiteBuilder due to a PHP restriction that is placed within a configuration file. To increase the limit on the size of the uploads please follow the step-by-step directions outlined below. Login ...