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Why does my Plesk SiteBuilder show a blank white screen during a key update?

Art. Nr: 203  |  Rating: 4/5 from 354 votes  |  Last Updated: Thu, May 17, 2012

While Parallels key updates rarely take longer than thirty seconds, it's possible that it may happen. However, if your PHP execution time is set too low, then you may experience a blank page. To resolve this issue, please follow the step-by-step directions outlined below:

  • Login to your Virtual/Dedicated server via SSH
  • Next, run the following command within Linux:

    # vi /etc/php.ini

  • Upon editing, please locate the following line:

    max_execution_time 30

  • Next, make the necessary changes and save them!
  • Finally, run the following command to restart apache

    # /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Upon completion, your settings should now apply, and you should no longer receive the Plesk SiteBuilder white page during your key update.

If you have any further questions pertaining to your Plesk SiteBuilder license, please feel free to get in contact with the LicenseCube support team for further assistance.

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