Why am I getting a cPanel license error?

If you are currently getting a cPanel license error, this generally means that your cPanel has got out of sync with the cPanel licensing server. To resolve this issue, please follow the step-by-step directions outlined below:

Once the action has completed, you should be able to resume working with your cPanel web hosting account as normal.

Should you have any further questions pertaining to your cPanel license, please feel free to get in contact with our web hosting support team for additional assistance.

Article Number: 148
Posted: Tue, May 15, 2012
Last Updated: Wed, May 16, 2012
Posted: LicenseCube Support [support@licensecube.com]

Online URL: http://kbase.licensecube.com/control-panel-licenses/why-am-i-getting-a-cpanel-license-error.html