Why does Fantastico say a script is already installed?

Depending on how you install and uninstall scripts within your web hosting account, Fantastico may get confused. As a result, Fantastico may say that you have a script already installed within your folder, but when double-checked, there is not one. To resolve this problem, please follow the step-by-step directions outlined below:

Upon completion, please retry to re-install your script via Fantastico, as the installation should go smoothly this time.

Should you have any further questions pertaining to your Fantastico license, please feel free to get in contact with the LicenseCube support team for additional assistance.

Article Number: 10
Posted: Mon, May 14, 2012
Last Updated: Mon, May 21, 2012
Posted: LicenseCube Support [support@licensecube.com]

Online URL: http://kbase.licensecube.com/auto-installer-licenses/why-does-fantastico-say-a-script-is-already-installed.html